On Your Feet Foundation welcomes Georgia Adoption Specialists to the Birthparent Support Alliance

About On Your Feet Foundation

Founded in 2001, On Your Feet provides support to birthparents, helping our clients build a better life, through case management and coaching, monetary grants for education and counseling, and through the creation of a community of other birthparents via our BirthmomsConnect calls, birthmom retreats, and other events.

Today, On Your Feet Foundation celebrates twenty years of service to the birthparent community and continues to be one of the only independent, non-profit organizations dedicated to providing birthparents with comprehensive case management services, grants for adoption-competent counseling, tuition, and emergency rent assistance, as well as running online communities, support groups, and birthmom-facilitated in-person and virtual retreats for birthmoms in the United States and beyond.


Along with other birthparents, discover the tools to heal and love again.


Assistance finding qualified therapists, coaches, and counseling.


Learn to accept, move forward, and believe in yourself once again.

Visit OnYourFeet.com or contact our team at Georgia Adoption Specialists for more information about the Birthparent Support Alliance.

You don’t have to go through this alone...

Whether you’ve made up your mind or you are still just exploring your options at this time, our team of trusted support specialists are here to help you through this difficult time. You are not alone.

Call/text us directly anytime, day or night, at (412) 440- 7118 or send us a message using the form provided. 

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